Contempt and COVID-19
Will parties be penalized for violating their custody agreements, for purposes such as protecting against the spread of COVID-19?
When your case needs a trusted advocate, turn to Shannon Jones Law Firm, a respected and experienced law firm in downtown Charleston, South Carolina. We are dedicated to our clients and strive to make the best out of stressful situations. With years of experience and exceptional customer service, we are ready to fight for you to get the best possible outcome for your case.
Legal Services
Child Custody
Child Support
Alimony/Spousal Support
Contempt Actions
Modification Actions
Orders of Protection
Criminal Domestic Violence
Grandparents Rights
​Name Changes
Termination of Parental Rights
Property Division
Hague Convention/Parental Kidnapping
Interstate and International Child Custody
Indian Child Welfare Act
Unwed Mother and Unwed Father Rights
Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements
Thank you for helping me fight for my rights. I was so elated after I left the courthouse because I was finally going home and getting my life started again.